공튜브62 일상을 영어로 말하기 2 2020. 04. 15. 일상을 영어로 말하기 2 I took my dogs out to the park today. We were there for about an hour. On our way back, I remembered that We were almost out of dog food So we stopped by the store to pick up some dog food and some snacks. 오늘 강아지들을 공원 산책 시켰어. 거기 한 시간 정도 있었어. 돌아오는 길에, 강아지 사료가 거의 떨어졌다는 게 생각나서 가게에 들러 강아지 사료랑 과자를 좀 샀어. I took my dogs out to the park today. We were there for about an hour... 2020. 4. 15. 일상을 영어로 말하기 2020. 04. 14. 일상을 영어로 말하기 Earlier today, I got a phone call from a friend but I was in the middle of something So I couldn't answer it. I'm going to try to call him back later tonight. 오늘 아침 일찍(아까) 친구한테 전화 왔었는데 뭐 하느라 전화를 못 받았어. 그래서 나중에(이따) 다시 전화하려고. Earlier today, I got a phone call from a friend but I was in the middle of something So I couldn't answer it. I'm going to try to call him back late.. 2020. 4. 14. 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 다음