#라이브 아카데미 토들러 #빨간모자 쌤 #I was feeling a little hungry #Usually~ would ~ # scrounge #I didn't feel like ~ing #I got something delivered1 일상을 영어로 말하기 / 끼니를 때우다 2020. 08. 06. 일상을 영어로 말하기 / 끼니를 때우다. I got up this morning and I was feeling pretty hungry. Usually, I would have some leftovers from other stuff (that) I ate throughout the week and I would just scrounge. But this morning (today) when I checked, I had nothing and I really didn't feel like cooking anytings so I just got something delivered. 오늘 아침에 일어나서 배가 꽤 고프더라고요. 보통은 한 주 동안 먹고 남은 음식이 있어서 그걸로 대.. 2020. 8. 6. 이전 1 다음