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기초 영어 회화 / ~하는 것이 더 좋다 2020. 07. 07. 기초 영어 회화 / ~하는 것이 더 좋다. If you did something wrong or made a mistake, it's always better to just admit it and apologize. A : Maybe I should get my car washed. It's really dirty. B : (I think) It would be better (for you) to wait until next week. because it's going to keep raining all week. 뭔가를 잘못했거나 실수를 했다면 그냥 인정하고 사과를 하는 편이 언제나 더 좋다. A : 나 세차하러 갈까, 진짜 더럽네 B : 담주까지 기다리는 게 나을 거야. 이번.. 2020. 7. 7.
기초 영어 회화 / 젊었을 때 2020. 07. 04 기초 영어 회화 / 젊었을 때, 어렸을 때, 나이가 들면서 When I was younger When I was little / When I was a kid When I was in school Time seems to go faster as we get older. The older we get, the faster time seems to go. 젊었을 때. 어렸을 때. 학생(대학교를 말하는 경우가 많음)이었을 때. 나이가 들면서 시간이 더 빨리 가는 것 같다. When I was younger When I was a kid / When I was little When I was in school Time seems to go faster as we get older. = T.. 2020. 7. 4.
기초 영어 회화 / '고민'에 대해서 영어로 표현하기 2020. 07. 03. 기초 영어 회화 / '고민'에 대해서 영어로 표현하기 (Should) I Should go to bed early / Should I go to bed early? if I should go to bed early. I'm not sure if I should go to bed early. I'm not sure if I should tell him about this. I'm not sure if I should tell him about this now or wait. I'm not sure if I should buy a new smartphone now or wait until a new model comes out. I'm (still) trying to decide i.. 2020. 7. 3.
간접의문문 Part 2 2020. 07. 02. 간접의문문 Part 2. Where does she live? / Where she lives I don't know where she lives. Where does he work? Do you know where he works? What time do they open? / Do you know what time they open? Do they sell 삼겹살? / Do you know if they sell 삼겹살? Is she married? / Do you know if she is married? I don't know if she's married. 그녀는 어디 살아요? / 그녀가 사는 곳 어디 사는지 몰라요. 그는 어디서 일해요? 어디서 일하는지 아세요? 몇 시.. 2020. 7. 2.