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기초 영어 회화 / 오늘 무슨 계획 있어? 2020. 08. 01. A : Do you have any plans tonight? B : Well, it depends on what time I get off work. If I can leave on time, I might meet up with some friends for a beer. Otherwise, I'll probably be too tired and go straight back home. A : 오늘 밤에 무슨 계획 있어? B : 몇 시에 퇴근하는지 봐서요. 제시간에 퇴근할 수 있으면 친구들 만나서 간단하게 술 한잔 할 수도 있는데 안 그러면 아마 너무 피곤해서 곧장 집으로 갈 거 같아요. A : Do you have any plans tonight? B : Well, it d.. 2020. 8. 2.
일상을 영어로 말하기 / 얘기하는 걸 좋아하는 이웃 2020. 07. 30. 일상을 영어로 말하기 / 얘기하는 걸 좋아하는 이웃. I have this neighbor. A woman. I think she's around my age and she has this really weird habbit or stopping me when I'm on my way out to talk about just random things that aren't really that important. I've tried telling her that I was busy but I think she just really likes to talk. 저한테 어떤 이웃이 한 명 있는데요. 여자분이요. I have this neighbor. A woman. 제 나이쯤 되는 것 .. 2020. 7. 30.
일상을 영어로 말하기 / 곧 생일인 친구 선물을 샀어요 2020. 07. 28. 일상을 영어로 말하기 / 곧 생일인 친구 선물을 샀어요. I have a friend whose birthday is coming up and yesterday I went out and got him a gift. Actually, his birthday is next month but he's going overseas on business soon so I wanted to give it to him before he left. 곧 생일인 친구가 있어서 어제 나가서 친구 줄 선물을 샀어요. I have a friend whose birthday is coming up and yesterday I went out and got him a gift. 사실 그의 생일은 다음 달인.. 2020. 7. 28.
기초 영어 회화 / 연령대, 또래, 보통 키와 몸무게 2020. 07. 26. 기초 영어 회화 / 연령대, 또래, 보통 키와 몸무게 She's in her mid twenties. He's in his early thirties. They're in their late forties. She's about my age. He's about(around) your age. She's tall / He's short (o) / His height is tall (x) It's black (o) / The color is black (x) He's a little chubby / He's kind of chubby. She's average height(weight) 그녀는 20대 중반입니다. She's in her mid twenties. 그는 30대 초반입니.. 2020. 7. 26.