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기초 영어 회화 / 이럴 줄 알았으면 다르게 했을 텐데 2020. 08. 11. 기초 영어 회화 / 이럴 줄 알았으면 다르게 했을 텐데 If I had known there was going to be a rally, I would've participated. ( I would've gone there) If I had known there would be this much traffic, I would've left earlier. ( I should've checked before I left) If I had known there was going to be a rally, I wouldn't have taken the bus. ( I would've taken the subway) If I had known about his situation, I .. 2020. 8. 11.
기초 영어 회화 / 30살이 됐다고 멘붕이었던 게 어제 같은데 2020. 08. 09. 기초 영어 회화 / 30살이 됐다고 멘붕이었던 게 어제 같은데 I can't believe it's already October. It feels like (it was) only yesterday that I was making my new year plans. I can't believe I'm already 37 years old. It feels like only yesterday that I was freaking out about turning 30. I can't believe I've been living here for over a year. It feels like only yesterdy that I was excited about moving in. I ca.. 2020. 8. 9.
일상을 영어로 말하기 / 끼니를 때우다 2020. 08. 06. 일상을 영어로 말하기 / 끼니를 때우다. I got up this morning and I was feeling pretty hungry. Usually, I would have some leftovers from other stuff (that) I ate throughout the week and I would just scrounge. But this morning (today) when I checked, I had nothing and I really didn't feel like cooking anytings so I just got something delivered. 오늘 아침에 일어나서 배가 꽤 고프더라고요. 보통은 한 주 동안 먹고 남은 음식이 있어서 그걸로 대.. 2020. 8. 6.
일상을 영어로 말하기 / 겨울대비 옷장정리 2020. 08. 04. 일상을 영어로 말하기 / 겨울대비 옷장 정리 It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day. So, I'm thinking (that) it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometime this week. 갑자기 엄청 추워지지 않았어? 특히 아침이랑 저녁에. 낮에는 아직도 꽤 따뜻해지긴 해. 그래서 옷장.. 2020. 8. 4.