분류 전체보기152 일상을 영어로 말하기 6 2020. 04. 21. 일상을 영어로 말하기 6 I went out for dinner yesterday. I went to a barbecue place that I often go to, about once a week. They're open 24 hours so I usually like to go (there) late at night when it isn't crowded, But this time, I went (there) a little earlier than usual. I was expecting to see some more people. but it was much more crowded than I thought. 어제 저녁 먹으로 나갔어. 일주일에 한 번 정도 자주 가는 고깃.. 2020. 4. 21. 일상을 영어로 말하기 5 2020. 04. 20. 일상을 영어로 말하기 5 A: The forecast says it's going to rain today, starting in the afternoon throughout the rest of the day. B: Oh, no wonder it's so dark outside. I was going to get my car washed but I guess I should wait until after the rain. A : 오늘 오후에 비온대. 오후부터 하루종일. B : 아, 어쩐지 밖에 어두컴컴하더라. 오늘 세차하려고 했는데 비 오고 나면 해야겠다. A : The forecast says it's going to rain today starting in the after.. 2020. 4. 20. 일상을 영어로 말하기 4 2020. 04. 17. 일상을 영어로 말하기 4 I went to Starbucks yesterday quite late at night, around 9 o'clock. and there were so many people! I barely found a seat for myself. It was quite surprising, I really didn't expect it to be so crowded on a Sunday night. 어제 스타벅스에 갔어. 밤 늦게 9시 쯤에, 근데 사람이 엄청 많았어. 나 앉을 자리 하나 겨우 찾았어. 꽤 놀라웠어. 일요일 밤에 그렇게 사람이 많을 줄은 정말 몰랐어. I went to Starbucks yesterday quite late at night, ar.. 2020. 4. 17. 일상을 영어로 말하기 3 2020. 04. 16. 일상을 영어로 말하기 3 I hung out with a friend yesterday. We hadn't seen each other in a while. We didn't do much, We just went out for some drinks and talked for a couple of hours. 어제 오랜만에 친구를 만났어. 별거 안 했어. 그냥 어디 가서 술 한잔 하면서 몇 시간 얘기했어. I hung out with a friend yesterday. We hadn't seen each other in a while. We didn't do much. We just went out for some drinks and talked for a couple of ho.. 2020. 4. 16. 이전 1 ··· 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ··· 38 다음